DIG for Monday the 1st of September…..So you’d like to take the splinter out of my eye for me…..Matthew 7 v 5

When we read Mathew 7 v 3-5 it sounds like it’s OK and correct to judge another Christian as long as we ensure we make ourselves clean and pure enough before doing so.

It may seem that keeping short accounts with God and regularly ‘repenting’ makes us very holy.

Holy enough in fact, to judge what others are doing wrong.

Did you know by the way that there is no mention in the Bible about “keeping short accounts” with God!

I believe that these verses are showing us that every believer is as pure and righteous as Jesus because He exchanged all our sin for His righteousness at the cross so we can now no longer be more righteous than one another.

We are all equally righteous now as Jesus is the only one who can remove people’s splinters and planks and He did that for all of us when He was nailed to the cross.

He was the propitiation (or payment) for all our sin and all the sin of everyone in the whole world (1 John 2 v 2).

It is hypocritical to think that we can make ourselves good enough to be in a position where it is OK to take the splinter out of a brother’s eye.

Jesus has removed the planks from our eyes so we can ignore the splinters in other’s eyes.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that I am as holy and righteous as Jesus because of His sacrifice at the cross.

Matthew 7 v 5….Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye

From Zan Dobbs, Moray Grace Fellowship