DIG for Sunday the 27th of January…..once and once only; He is not going to be sacrificed again…..Hebrews 10 v 12

I used a lot of scriptures at church today from Hebrews 9 and 10; I call these the ONCE chapters.

Hebrews 9 and 10 describes the finished work of Jesus on the cross and uses the words one and once many times.

9 v 27 says Jesus was appointed to die once.

9 v 28 says He was offered once for the sins of many.

10 v 10 says that we are sanctified through the once only work of Jesus.

10 v 12 says that Jesus offered one sacrifice and then sat down (as HIs work was finished).

10 v 14 says that Jesus made one offering and this perfected us forever.

Jesus offered Himself once and dealt with your sin once; when you were born again you were changed once. Your spirit was born again once and it was made righteous and holy once (2 Corinthians 5 v 21 and Ephesians 4 v 24).

Just as Jesus died only once and performed HIs work only once, so you can only be reconciled, forgiven and made righteous once. You cannot make yourself more righteous through your own efforts, you can only trust that the work of Jesus was enough.

Righteousness and forgiveness is not a process, it is a once only event. You are forgiven and you are righteous, if you have trusted Jesus.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that I am righteous and that I have been forgiven”.

Hebrews 10 v 12…..But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God