DIG for Monday the 9th of May…..salt and light, wherever you are and whatever you are doing…..Matthew 5 v 13 and 14

What a wonderful revelation I had yesterday morning whilst listening to an excellent teaching from Duane Sheriff.

When I left Diageo about 2 years ago it was to ‘move towards full time ministry’.

I would do more ‘ministry’ work and less ‘secular’ work; sometimes this is what my week looks like but sometimes I do a lot of ‘secular’ work in a given week, and I wonder sometimes why I am still doing so much ‘secular’ work.

Listening to Duane yesterday I realised that everything I do is ministry, it is not divided into ministry and non-ministry.

Where ever I am and whatever I am doing I am salt and light, bringing Jesus into any and every situation, even if it is barley and malt consultancy or teaching about whisky production.

This idea was reinforced watching a video from Todd White this morning; wherever we are and whatever we are doing we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, bringing Jesus with us wherever we go.

Are you going to school this morning; then that is your ministry today.

Are you going to work in a shop, store or supermarket; then that is your ministry today.

Are you at home, with your family or on your own; then that is your ministry today.

Are you preaching or teaching the Word or running a church; then that is your ministry today.

Wherever you are this morning and whatever you are doing have the mind-set that you are in ministry and do it for the Lord!

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that you have a plan and purpose for my life and thank you that whatever I am doing today I AM IN MINISTRY”.

Matthew 5 v 13 and 14……Ye are the salt of the earth……Ye are the light of the world

DIG for Saturday the 19th of July…..do you realise how important we are to this world…..Philippians 1 v 23 and 24

Paul talks in this passage of Scripture about wanting to go to be with the Lord but knowing that he needs to stay on earth for the present.

He wants to get to heaven, but knows he has a purpose on earth and needs to stay for the good of others.

In this case it was for the good of the church at Philippi.

My friend, do you know the same is true for you and me; it would be much better to be in heaven with Jesus however we have a purpose on earth and need to stay and fulfil that calling.

It is not arrogant to say that Christians are essential on this earth and we need to be here.

Jesus said we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5 v 13).

Jesus said we are the light of the world (Matthew 5 v 14).

Without light there would be no life on earth; plants need light to produce sugars thorough photosynthesis and this is the basis of all food on earth.

Without salt all animals would die; we all need salt in our bodies to allow our nervous systems to pass electrical signals correctly for example.

Physical life is impossible without salt and light; and true spiritual life is impossible without Jesus.

And who will tell a needy world about Jesus if we do not?

We are essential on this earth.

We have a job to do.

We are ambassadors for Jesus (2 Corinthians 5 v 20) and we are here (or rather one of the reasons we are here) is to tell people about our Lord and Master.

The world needs you my friend; your family, friends, schoolmates or work colleagues need you.

You are salt and light to may people around you even if you do note realise it at the moment; to many people you may be the only exposure that they have to Jesus.

Shine my brothers and sisters and be the salt to this needy world.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that I have many purposes in this world, and one is to be salt and light”.

Philippians 1 v 23 and 24…..For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you