DIG for Sunday the 27th of March…..He will draw all judgement, not all men…..John 12 v 32

In the DIG a couple of days ago I mentioned the need to know the Greek or Hebrew meanings of words.

It is also important to know what italicised words means; in my Bible some words are in italics and that means that they were not in the original manuscripts and were added “for clarity” by the translators.

Take for example John 12 v 32, which says, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me”.

The word “men” is in italics and means that it was not in the original manuscripts.

By looking round the world today, I can clearly see that not all men have been drawn to Jesus, many are unbelievers and want nothing to do with Him.

So can this verse mean something else?

The verse before is talking about judgement, and it is in this context that Jesus is talking.

Being lifted up from the earth is a clear picture of the cross, so there is another interpretation for verse 32.

When Jesus is crucified, when He is on the cross, he will draw all judgement upon Himself; that is what I believe this verse is saying.

Sin had come between man and God and sin had to be dealt with (or judged), so when Jesus died on the cross for our sin (as we all believe) He took all the required judgement upon Himself, He drew it all upon Himself.

Removing the word “men” from John 12 v 32 (remember it was not there in the original manuscripts) gives this verse a whole new meaning, especially when read in the context of judgement.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord for the finished work of Jesus Christ and thank you that all judgement for sin has already been placed upon Him”.

John 12 v 32…..And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me

DIG for Saturday the 26th of March…..His work not our work…..Romans 5 v 7 and 8

Thanks again to Sean for another DIG, helping me play “catch up”……

I’ve chucked in two verses for the price of one today finishing what I started when I talked about our inner need for a hero, a hero who saved us not based on who we were but on who He is.

I know that sometimes when I am caught off guard I can get under the mind set of the law and religion that states that I must behave a certain way and do certain works to be accepted by God.

But Romans 5 v 7 and 8 make it clear God loved us while we were yet sinners.

John 3: 16 makes it clear also, saying, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life.’

God loved this world and Jesus gave His life for it.

All I am called to do is believe this.

Yes my option is to believe on what Jesus has done for me and not what I do for Him, realising that any work you try to do to earn favour with God is as a filthy rag (that’s a menstrual rag) (Isaiah 54:6).

Grace and works do not mix, only acts of faith based on what Jesus has done bear any true worth now.

Jesus has done all the work required through His death on the Cross.

Jesus died for us while we were in our sinful state, a true hero giving His life for His friends (John 15:13).

Because of this we are now the righteousness of God in Christ.

That does not mean that I am not called to bear fruit as the more I manifest that love of God the more works of faith issue forth.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that it is not about me and my works, thank you it is all about what Jesus has done for me”.

Romans 5 v 7 to 8…..For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us

DIG for Friday the 25th of March…..one God but plural…..Genesis 1 v 1

As I have written many times, it is imperative that we look at the Greek or Hebrew meaning of words as we study the Bible, as sometimes the English translation does not convey the true meaning.

For example, in Isaiah 53 v 10 it says that it pleased the Lord to bruise Jesus; bruise means to pulverise, crush and destroy, so bruise really does not express the magnitude of what it pleased the Lord to do to His Son for our salvation.

Another example like this is found in Genesis 1 v 1.

The Hebrew word for God here is Elohim, and it is a plural noun.

Yes, it is plural, talking about a God that is more than one.

The English translation does not express this, but right here in the first verse of the Bible we have a word describing the Trinity, one God yet three.

I am just starting to study out some of the names of God, to preach at church in the coming weeks, and I spent some time meditating on this word today.

It is marvellous to know that as well as God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were involved in creating the universe and everything in it.

I am especially in awe of the fact that Jesus, the main agent of creation (see Colossians 1 v 16 and 17 and Hebrews 1 v 1 to 3) would come to this earth (that He created) in order to become a man and save us (the pinnacle of His creation).

Read that sentence again and meditate upon it.

This is a truth that if you allow it, will change your whole view and mind-set about God.

God is of course the Creator, yet at the same time is interested in you and me, interested enough to come to this earth and deal with the sin issue through His finished work on the cross.

Take time to think about that this evening.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord for Jesus and thank you that even as Creator he chose to come to His earth to save me”.

Genesis 1 v 1…..In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth

DIG for Thursday the 24th of March…..the Word can change you…..Romans 12 v 2

Now, I am not writing this DIG to show how spiritual I am or to show how good I am, I am writing it as encouragement to show you how the Word can renew your mind so that you can see transformation in your life.

I have not always been as caring and compassionate as I would like, I would have to be honest and say compassion never was my strongest point (and it still probably is not).

But, I met a sister in the Lord today who has spoken out against me in the past; indeed she stood up in a service one time and berated me prior to walking out.

Speaking honestly again I did not have much care, love or compassion for her at that point and indeed going forward.

But once again being honest I felt nothing but care, love and compassion for her when we met this morning.

What she had said and done had not changed, yet I had changed.

My attitude and thoughts were so different and this was due to the fact that my mind had been renewed through the Word over the period of time that had elapsed since we last met.

My heart went out to her and I offered help and prayer if required.

The Word had transformed me for the better; this is my testimony.

Yes, it has taken time and I do still need more compassion in my life, however I have changed for the better and know more transformation is on the way as I further renew my mind to how caring, loving and compassionate the Lord has been to me.

As we renew our minds about the goodness, love, mercy and compassion of the Lord we will see our thoughts, actions and lives transformed for the better; this is a Biblical truth and cannot fail to happen.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord for your Word and thank you for the process of mind renewal and transformation”.

Romans 12 v 2…..And be not conformed to this world: and be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God

DIG for Wednesday the 23rd of March…..a real Super Hero…..Romans 5 v 7

Thanks to Sean for another DIG today…..

You cannot help but notice that there is a plethora of superhero movies around at the moment.

Heroes fighting heroes over ideologies, it seems to be in our psyche.

The ancient Greeks and Romans had stories of their Gods and the need for heroes.

Whether based on ancient myth or modern comic books we have in our psyche the need for a hero and a saviour.

Men have tried creating archetypes in red and black but usually those who have to be saved are on the whole innocent.

There have been quandaries for heroes as they decide to save someone, but they save people nonetheless.

But all these are fictional super heroes.

Two thousand years ago there was a real hero at work.

If he had a super hero name he would have just been called ‘Saviour ‘or in the Greek ‘Sozo’.

He was the one that was a true Saviour and what is more He died for all so that all could no longer be trapped in their sin.

His archenemies were ‘Sin’ and ‘Death’ and one known as ‘The Accuser’ (Satan).

He (our hero) had no red cape nor did he wear a mask but He had a remit from the God of Love and died for each and every one of us.

A real hero, in real time and not a myth but a true man and true God; His name was Jesus.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you God for saving me and setting me free for real, thank you that are not a myth and that all pales into insignificance because of what you did”.

Romans 5 v 7…..For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die

DIG for Tuesday the 22nd of March…..it’s not all about money, but we are to live in abundance…..John 10 v 10

One of my favourite verses in Scripture is John 10 v 10.

We can read about the mission of Jesus and the mission of the enemy in the same verse.

Jesus came to bring us life, and life in abundance.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy what we have received from Jesus.

You have to already have something in your life before the enemy can steal, kill or destroy it.

So we already have this abundance provided by Jesus.

Every born again believer has therefore been provided with abundance.

Now this is not just about money, however money is included.

The Word says that Jesus was made poor (in monetary terms) so that we could be made rich (in monetary terms) (2 Corinthians 8 v 9).

Money is a resource there to be used for the furtherance of the Kingdom, not to fulfil your own lusts.

So do not be embarrassed if you have abundance (especially in monetary terms), but as I wrote yesterday never let a love for money come into your life.

Let your love of God and God’s love for you shine through how you use this money and abundance that Jesus has provided for you, being a testimony to others.

Do not let the enemy steal your abundance through a false humility or through ignorance of the Word.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that I can live in abundance because of the finished work of Jesus Christ”.

John 10 v 10…..The thief cometh not, but for to steal, kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly

DIG for Monday the 21st of March…..money is not the root of all evil…..1 Timothy 6 v 10

In the message yesterday I was reminded about one of the errors that have crept into the church in the guise as Scripture; that money is the root of all evil.

This is nonsense if you know the Bible.

It is not money that is the issue; money is a neutral and essential substance that can be used for both good and bad.

It is the love of money that is the problem (1 Timothy 6 v 10) and Scripture is clear on this matter.

I see the love of money as a form of idolatry that takes your focus and love away from God.

Relying on money is the same as not trusting in God, and in that sense is not good news.

As I heard yesterday money can come and go, it can be built up and the lost in an instant, yet God is always constant.

God is where we should put our trust and our love.

Money is very useful and is required; I could not run my ministry without money for example.

However we must realise that money (and other resources) is provided by God, either through people or through the skills He has provided us with.

Money is indeed something we require in this world, much like food, clothing and housing.

Love of money is something we must flee from (1 Timothy 6 v 11).

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that you are the Great Provider, thank you for all that you have given me”.

1 Timothy 6 v 10…..For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows

DIG for Sunday the 20th of March…..we all have a part to play in church…..Hebrews 10 v 24 and 25


We had a wonderful service at church today, with many people involved.

One elder opened, another received the offering and a different one led us in communion.

My wife Nunsy led us in worship, while numerous people shared, prayed and ministered one to another.

We had a sister singing in tongues and then bring us a great message from the Word and had words of love and encouragement from the Lord through another sister.

And what you may ask was I as pastor doing while all this was going on?

Well, I was sitting in a comfy chair at the back of the church being ministered to!

Church never has been and never should be a “one man show”.

Yes, a church should have a pastor but they are not the most important person in the fellowship; we are all ministers, one to another.

Everyone can minister; we can all encourage, edify and exhort each other, that is what Hebrews 10 v 24 and 25 says to us.

We can pray for each other, build each other up and go to one another for help.

And this should be happening in church.

I was so happy as a pastor this morning to see the fellowship minister as a body; it was wonderful to see.

Yes, you should all go to church in order to receive, however at the same time you should go with the attitude of wanting to help, give and bless.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord for the local church, thank you that you set this in place for our encouragement, edification and exhortation”.

Hebrews 10 v 24 and 25…..And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching

DIG for Saturday the 19th of March…..I am not a sinner saved by grace…..Ephesians 2 v 8

Thanks to Sean for the DIG today…..

Living where we live in the UK and if you mix in what is referred to as ‘Christian Circles’ it will not be long until someone will speak about their position before God and use the phrase: ‘I’m just a sinner saved by Grace’.

This is said usually by someone who in false humility wants to show their place before God and thus keep you in yours.

However, what these folks do not realise is instead they show their ignorance of the Scriptures and pervert Ephesians 2:8.

Does this sound harsh, yes, but if someone perverts scripture and turns it into a tradition based on a lie how else should we take it.

We can respectfully talk to the person but nine times out of ten that person has no real interest in what you say and is more interested in hanging on to their tradition.

Why should we even care if the person is a believer? We care because it is a lie.

When I was born again and accepted Jesus into my life I became a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 6:15).

I am not that sinful person anymore as my spirit has been born again (John 3:3-7 & 1 Peter 1:23).

But I’m not just saved by grace, there is the step of faith that I have to take and accept Jesus finished work on the cross (John 17:20-21; 2Corinthians 4:13 & Hebrews 11:16).

The key is that this verse in Ephesians uses the past tense.

It states what I have to do in faith and it expresses God’s grace.

The other way, which is a perversion of the truth, focuses on our perceived ‘condition of sin’ rather than the one who dealt with sin once and for all, if we only accept it.

Speak this out today:…..”Thank you Lord that I am no longer a sinner and that thanks to your finished work I am indeed a new creation. I may have been a sinner once but I am now the righteousness of God in Christ thanks to Jesus.

Ephesians 2 v 8…..For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God

DIG for Friday the 18th of March…..you must operate according to the Covenant you live under…..Romans 6 v 14

We are very blessed at Moray Grace Fellowship to have my wife Nunsy as a Bible teacher as well as myself.

This last couple of weeks she has been preaching from Nehemiah, with the main message being that we need to operate under the Covenant we live with.

Under the Old Covenant, under law, Nehemiah did have to confess for sins and did have to ask God for forgiveness.

This was appropriate for Nehemiah to do, but it is not appropriate for you.

You are now living under the New Covenant, under grace, and are not under law (Romans 6 v 14).

At the cross reconciliation and forgiveness flowed and it is now no longer necessary to confess sin or ask for forgiveness.

When we get a new job we get a contract, we go into covenant, with an employer.

This contract tells us what we are required to do and what we are not allowed to do for example.

The same is true with regards to our relationship with God.

There was a Covenant where people were required to confess sin and ask for forgiveness, but that Covenant is now finished.

Under the New Covenant, under grace, all men have been forgiven and all men have the opportunity for salvation and righteousness.

We are no longer under law and it is inappropriate to pray the words Nehemiah prayed.

We should pray like him however, praying according to the Covenant we live under.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord that I now live under the New Covenant, under grace”.

Romans 6 v 14…..For sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace