DIG for Saturday the 31st of January……the danger of unbelief; it will hold back blessings……Deuteronomy 1 v 32

God wants us to have abundant blessings in our life; this is His will for us and that is why Jesus came (John 10 v 10 and 3 John 2).

In the same way God wanted the Hebrew nation to enter the Promised Land.

Yet we see them wandering around in the wilderness for years, with the vast majority of the nation that left Egypt never making it into the Promised Land.

Of all the spies that went to ”check out” the Promised Land only Caleb and Joshua enter in.

They were the only spies who believed that they could take that land, and they believed that because of what the Lord had said not what they had seen.

Yes, the walls were high and the people were large and frightening, but the Lord had said this land was theirs so that was good enough for Caleb and Joshua.

The others spies and the people just did not believe hat the Lord had said (Deut 1 v 32).

They went with their senses (what they say and heard) instead of the Word of the Lord and because of unbelief never entered the Promised Land.

Our “promised land” (once we believe) is an abundant life full of blessings, including healing, wholeness, joy, peace and prosperity.

Many believers today however are not living in that “promised land” because of unbelief, because of not believing what the Lord has said through His inspired Word.

Are you on the edge of your “promised land” today with regards to healing and wholeness, peace and prosperity?

If you are, believe what the Lord has said in His Word.

By His stripes you were healed (1 Peter 2 v 24), He became poor so that you might be rich (2 Corinthians 8 v 9) and that above all things He wants you to live in health and prosperity (3 John 2).

Then step into your “promised land” and claim these abundant blessings that He wants you to have.

Speak this out today…..”Thank you Lord for the finished work of Jesus Christ, and thank you that He came so that I might have life in abundance”.

Deuteronomy 1 v 32…..Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord your God

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