DIG for Friday the 11th of December…..doing what God says, no questions asked…..Matthew 1 v 24

Joseph is a man who does not get a lot of attention during the account of the birth of Jesus, or rather we don’t hear a lot about him in sermons and messages.

I think however that he is one of the greatest examples we can look at with regards to hearing from God and then being obedient.

Joseph had found out that Mary was pregnant and he knew that he was not the father, and he was pondering what to do (Matthew 1 v 18 and 19).

While thinking on this God told Him some amazing things in a dream; He told him that Mary had conceived via the Holy Ghost, that her son would be the messiah, that the birth was the fulfilment of scripture and that he should marry Mary.

Well, that may have been difficult to take, understand and believe.

But we see Joseph waking up and doing what he was told, he took Mary to be his wife.

You have to understand that this would have been seriously frowned upon in the society of the day, Joseph was taking a great risk here.

Or was he?

If the words were from Almighty God there was no risk at all!

I think Joseph must have been a man who was used to relating to God and hearing from God in order to believe and act this quickly.

Joseph did what God said, no questions asked.

Zacharias questioned God and was struck dumb, even Mary asked God a question about the birth of Jesus.

It could be argued that Joseph was operating under more faith than Mary.

Joseph heard from God and did what He said, that is a great model for us to follow.

Speak this out today….”Thanks you Lord that you spoke to Zacharias, Mary and Joseph and thank you Lord that you speak to me today”.

Matthew 1 v 24…..Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife

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